Belgium ghost town Doel

Abandoned village in Belgium in black and white

Belgium ghost town Doel

Imagine, your entire life you lived in a village, a village called Doel in Belgium. The village is locked between the nuclear power plant and the river Schelde, which represents the Port of Antwerp, a big industrial ship sail route.

And then….the city of Antwerp says you have to leave the village because they want to enlarge the river Schelde to accommodate wider and deeper shipping routes. Let that sink in, you have to leave the village where generations lived their lives. Mind you, still, a number of families are living in this ghost town Doel, please respect their privacy.

The road to the Doel nucluar power plant.

Gij zijt mijn doel

Translates into ‘You are my goal’

When taking this image I did think about The Beatles, could they have passed on this sidewalk?

In the backyard there was a little barn. Do you spot the stuffed animals in the water? Lovely and sad as well, I did think about the kid who actually played with these. These stuffed animals feel abondonded like the entire village of Doel and it’s former citizens.

Driving towards the gas station I left my house in a mess, I have to think about a paint job I guess.

Finally, I did reach the local gas station, but wait….it’s no longer in service. Thanks, Avia! Then let’s take the bus.

Just outside the ghost town of Doel, there was this bus stop, so let’s wait for the next one.

Belgium ghost town Doel

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