The old egg factory

The old egg factory is a cool urbex location.

Another urbex photography shoot in an abandoned factory. This absolutely gorgeous decay control panel is part of a place called ‘egg mine’.

The old egg factory

Old floor tiles where in bad shape and a lot of control panel parts on the floor.

Love these very long storage hall viewpoints, there is a minimal amount of light pouring trough these windows.

The old egg urbex factory

Don’t you just love this light effect. Truly a magnificent urbex location.

Let’s see what is behind that door, looks like where going to this egg factory office part.

Yes, we hit main office entry with lots of windows.

Working from home? Guess not, work lies just around the corner.

Other Urbex photography shoots
Riviera Plants Company in Le Muy, France
Abandoned factory NordRhein Westfalen
Station Montzen, Belgium
Urbex ikea wheels
Village of Doel, Belgium
Dirty Factory in Liège

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